Sunday, December 27, 2020



We got this recipe from the advent calendar.  It is a Danish recipe.  Everyone liked it but Abagail.  I found the cinnamon sticks and cloves in the bulk.  Couldn't find cardamon pods so we used 4 drops of essential oil cardamon.  We didn't add the raisins, almonds or orange slices at the end, but it would be good.

32 oz. fruit juice (grape, apple) - we used grape

Peel of 1/2 an orange and orange slices (did a whole orange of slices)

2 cinnamon sticks

4 whole cardamon pods or 4 drops essential oil cardamon

5 whole cloves

1 knob of ginger that has been peeled (put in whole)

Garnish: raisins, almonds, orange slices

Add everything except garnish to a heavy bottomed pot (did red pot).  Simmer mixture for 15-20 minutes (did on medium).

Strain out the spices.  Then heat the glogg but don't boil.

Drop in raisins and almonds into mug and top with glogg.  Can serve with orange slices and ginger snaps.