Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This was pretty cool. I think I will do this again in the summer so the kids can play with it outside. This would also make a great activity for FHE.

Rock Salt
Magnifying Glass
Food Coloring
Small cups/bowls
Eye Dropper

Freeze a balloon full of water. I put mine in a bowl so it stayed round.
Peel the balloon off once it is frozen. Put rock salt on "earth" to melt tunnels in it. Next time I would have this sit out for a while so it would melt faster. Scott ended up drilling holes in it. Have them using a eye dropper drop the colored water in the tunnels. Then they can look with their magnifying glass at all the colors. It will also help it melt faster if you use hot water to make different colors.

This stuff felt so cool and was fun to play with. I didn't try it, but I bet it would sit overnight and then you could add more water and play with it again. I didn't like all the little white spots I found on my carpet, but once it dried they vacuumed up easily. Would work well outside.
1 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup water
Mix together. Add more water - 1 T at a time if you want it more drippier.

The kids really liked doing this.

Set a small bowl (smaller the better) on a tray. Place a tablespoon of baking soda into the bowl, add a tablespoon of white vinegar (instead of measuring I just had the kids pour it). Sit back watch it bubble and fizz. You can also add food coloring to add a special effect.