Wednesday, August 13, 2008


It has been so hot in our apartment, we don't really feel like eating dinner. So tonight we decided to walk to Safeway and each of us pick out a box of cereal. Normally we don't buy sugar cereal, but the only stipulation tonight was that it had to be on sale. Have you ever noticed how the sugar cereals are on the kid level, so of course that is what Jackson picked out. Oh well - I considered that our dessert. Along with the cereal we had V8-Fusion so at least we got some fruit and vegetables. If you have never tried this juice, I think it is worth trying. It has both fruit and vegetables in it. Notice the Blueberry Crunch (Safeway brand). This is my favorite "sugar" cereal. It is so good. It was a fun, light and cool dinner. And best of all we got a walk in too. Last night I had watermelon for dinner - Jackson fell asleep before dinner - can't remember what Scott ate. I am ready for fall and winter.

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